Best Foods in South Korea: Ddeokgalbi (떡갈비) in Jeonju
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We wanted to jump on and share about one of the dinners we had recently in Jeonju that really sticks out as special and that other travelers might enjoy. During a visit to the Jeonju Hanok Village, we were able to try one of the many delicious restaurants lining the bustling cheery streets composed of hanoks or traditional Korean houses. The restaurant’s name is Kkot-Dam-Jib (꽃담집) which means flower garden in English and their delicious dakgalbi. (Here is the address for the restaurant: 38 Eunhaeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do).
Entrance to the restaurant includes a traditional style gate.
What’s on the menu
What we tried option 3, the grilled short rib patty (떡갈비/Deokgalbi in Korean) and the rice steamed in a bamboo leaf. This set comes with 10 side dishes (banchan 반) included in the price of 19,000KRW or about $16 USD.
Everything included in the meal.
The rice steamed in the bamboo leaf included both white rice and a special kind of darker rice that gave a purple huge to the dish. It also was steamed with beans, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
Deokgalbi/Grilled shortrib patty. Placed over a flame and heated right at the table. The onions carmelized and the sauced thickened right at the table. Delicious!
Next time you are in Korea, consider a trip to Jeonju (2.5 hour KTX ride from Seoul) and take in all the delicious food the city has to offer! If you’re worried about the logistics, or only have time for a day tour, a tour like this one may be a good option.